Monday, August 30, 2010

Where did August go?

It doesn't seem possible that the last 3 months are pretty much gone.  School has started in most areas and this week is in the cool 60's.  They predict a verrrrry cold winter, so get the boots and gloves out, and winterize the ol' homestead. 
I haven't been doing a lot of stamping or creating lately.  Just not feeling creative.  Also, my camera is busted and DH is having it worked on as I write.  If the cost is too much it will be a NEW camera for me.  I kinda hope it doesn't get fixed.  I've had it for almost 5 years and in this day and age that makes it a dinosaur.  I want a new fandangled  When this all comes together I'll be so happy.  I am learning more every day, but still trying to figure out how to set up email accounts for those who want to make comments, but are not Google Followers or Google Friends.  Of course you will be the first to know.
My DH and I are leaving on a cruise to Alaska in less than 2 weeks.  It's our first cruise and I'm so excited I could "pee my pants ." LOL   We are both looking forward to this new adventure.  We booked excursions in every port we stop at.  This may be pushing it, but we'll never know how this works unless we try.  We're going for a week and if all works out we'll go for longer cruises in the future.  We, also, have a trip planned to Arizona in November.  A week in Tucson and a week in Scottsdale.  My DB and DSIL bought a house in Maricopa and we can't wait to see it.  They have become "snowbirds" and will spend half their time in WA state.  Lucky Duckies!  I look forward to when my DH and I start this in 3 years.  I guess getting old has some bennies. 
I hope to get closer to operating this site just a little better in the near future. 
Keep following along and I may surprise YOU!


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